Walking the Line:
Embracing the Imperatives of Jesus

Alan Davey (Wipf & Stock, 2021)

Walking the Line:
Embracing the Imperatives of Jesus

Alan Davey (Wipf & Stock, 2021)

The rule of Jesus articulated in Matthew’s Gospel is neither obscure nor archaic. Jesus’ imperatives speak powerfully to the contemporary issues of our day, and do so, by illuminating a way of clarity, simplicity, and love. Where populism demands separation, Jesus promotes unity; where institutionalism extols hierarchical power, Jesus encourages humble service; where individualism lauds immediate gratification, Jesus asserts the path of sacrificial love. Indeed, as the Gospel of Matthew lays out, the pathway that Jesus defines is one of awareness, self-knowledge, and personal growth. It is a way of generativity, fruitfulness, and abundance. As we travel with Jesus in intimate conversation, we walk the line in a rhythm that fosters advancement, enjoyment, and soulful acceptance.
“Davey is a pastor, professor, musician, and scuba diver. While he prefers swimming in the ocean depths amongst coral and sea life, I swim in a pool. On the bottom of the pool is a black line that helps me swim straight and count the number of strokes before I hit the wall. I swim the line. Davey suggests we ‘walk the line’ and follow the rules of Jesus as taught in Matthew’s Gospel. With insightful commentary and illustrations from movies, art, classic rock, and spiritual writers, he provides imperative reading on the imperatives of Jesus. Jump into the waters with him and be challenged to swim the line.”
⸺ Daniel Scott, Moderator of the 146th General Assembly, The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Walking the Line really challenged me to examine my own walk and relationship with God. I enjoyed Davey’s insights on the importance of a consistent and authentic faith rather than seeking the ‘spiritual highs.’ The questions provided at the end of each chapter are thought-provoking and well suited to include as part of a journaling exercise. This is also an excellent book for a small group study and discussion.”
⸺ Tony Kong, Executive Director of a global management consulting firm

Reviews & PRESS
Tyler Gallagher, “Alan Davey: How Each Of Us Can Leverage The Power Of Gratitude To Improve Our Overall Mental Wellness,” Authority Magazine

Tom Moller, “Managing Distractions brought on by the Busy-ness of Life,” Along the Way (94.7 FM The Word KRKS)

Alicia Bell, “Reignite Your Spiritual Connection in 2022,” Train It Right

“Interview with Alan Davey,” The Power Hour

Liz Charlton, “Pastor Alan Davey releases book to ‘Reignite Your Spiritual Conviction in 2022,’” ATV Today

Dr. Dravon James, “Walking the Line with Alan Davey,” Everyday Peace (Unity Online Radio)

Dr. Jeanette Gallagher, “Alan Davey shares insight into God, religion, dogma, and beliefs through Jesus’s words in Matthew's Gospel,” Wellness Radio with Dr. J (Spreaker/iHeart)

Tom Sumner, Interview with Alan Davey, The Tom Sumner Program

Daniel Cullen, Review in Christ Centered Gamer

Chapter-by-chapter discussion